Sunday, May 10, 2020

Twitter Is the Only Real-Time Job Board - Do You Tweet Yet -

Twitter Is the Only Real-Time Job Board - Do You Tweet Yet Did you know that there are thousands of new jobs posted on Twitter each day?Imagine you are a small company, and you are growing rapidly despite the naysayers in the news about the economy. Its time to hire a full-time sales person.Will you spend $600-$800 to post on Monster?Will you enjoy being spammed when posting jobs on Craigslist, just to get an entry-level person?I doubt it!I would prefer to get a referral to fill my position. And I trust my friends on Facebook and Twitter to be my referral network for several reasons.First, its free.Second, I know these people who may know other people I know. Want to Read More Articles Like This One?Sign up here to receive weekly updates from Career Enlightenment, and never miss another powerful job searching tip! SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!We hate spam too. Unsubscribe any time. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the thought process going through the minds of thousands of hiring managers every day.And the benefit to you is that you get to reply to the job minutes after it has been posted.Are you Tweeting yet?Twitter Resources for Job SeekersTwitterJobSearch.comTweetMyJobs.comFollow @Microjobs and use their service to grow your networkNearbyTweets to look for job openings in your area.Read Teens great new book on Twitter job seekingThis Post Was Featured on:

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